After all that excitiment
it's another day. Now some of you will know that we have done up the odd house or two ( we are infact on our 7 in a 8 year space ) we did a great Vernon Brown house a few years ago and had so much fun with it. Safe to say that the house was rather full of "stuff" the day we viewed it and fell in love. I guess some people find it hard to see past the "stuff" that people collect over the years. Which I can totally understand as it just takes over a house sometimes. And to be totally honest you can't take with you when you go can you... ( and I don't mean move house ) So just the other day we had the pleasure of having our lawn mower stolen ( it's was rather nice and kind of new so a little upsetting ) We came across a competition on facebook ( everyone loves something free!!! ) to win Mitre 10 vouchers and thought wow nows our chance. So if you have a few seconds on this lovely day please head over to their page CLICK HERE and like our house for a chance to win.
Happy Sunday everyone : )
Happy Sunday everyone : )
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