This summer I've had so much fun in my vege garden. I spent some time in Blenheim over Xmas and spent time with my favourite other male person in my life my Step Dad Pete. Pete came into my life a long time ago and I feel so honored to have him. He was there when I got married, there for all my kids and I've learnt so much from him. Loosing my Dad over 12 years ago was a hard thing for me. He missed meeting my husband, our wedding and all the other important things in my life.
I feel so glad that I've had Pete along the way.
Peach tree not far off now. |
So Pete is rather good in the garden (as is my lovely mum)
I love getting in the garden with him and learning a few new tricks. This summer we had a good old chat about a few veges and I thought I would give them a try once I was home.
Pete's garlic!!!! I was lucky to come home with a huge bag. Yum yum.. |
I really can't wait for them to all grow a little more (This weather really is helping my cause) My kids
love helping me out and it's a great skill for them at the same time.
We have beetroot, lettuce, tomatos, baby carrots, spring onions, silverbeet and zucchini all growing nicely.
Tomatos are nearly ready. |
Pete I'm not sure if you have noticed but I love you it bits. You have been a huge part of my life and I love spending time with you. I hope that one day I will be the one sending you my veges in the mail like you and mum do for me (yes that's right I get vege mail!!!! ) Luff you xxxx
I love this idea. Mesclun Salad Mix. You just cut off the top when you need it and it keeps growing. |
Lettuce all in row. |
Now this is a new one for me. Beetroot. It's doing really well. And yes more lettuce. Cos this time. |
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PS. What a lovely garden!
Wow what a lovely garden. You have inspired me to grow beetroot, especially is nice when roasted !!